How can I get access to Bedrock models? I am blocked from the models even loading due to error.


Previously, I was able to access the Bedrock Model using the API, and was able to successfuly do so. Suddenly, after several days, I keep getting an error that states that I am not authorized to invoke this API operation. I assumed it is due to billing or something from another post, and went and updated my card. I have no invoice as of yet, and the pending charges are .04. I still cannot get access to the models even in the UI as it does not load at all. Enter image description here

  • Same thing here. Suddenly I lost access to everything on bedrock. Including the web console on my root account.

1 Answer

Access to Amazon Bedrock foundation models isn't granted by default. In order to gain access to a foundation model, an IAM user with sufficient permissions needs to request access to it through the console. Once access is provided to a model, it is available for all users in the account. Please refer the documentation here :

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answered 10 months ago

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