Is there a persistent feature in Amazon Q developer?


Does Amazon Q save the history of the chat once the IDE is closed? I am building with Amazon Q developer chat in vscode but I have to start from scratch every time I open the IDE.. Is there some kind of a persistent feature in Amazon Q developer to store the previous conversations so I can refer back to the conversation history?

asked a month ago79 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello Kenneth,

Currently, Amazon Q developer does not have a built-in functionality to save chat history.

I would suggest either one of the following approach to retain your conversation.

  • Manually copy the conversation and save it to a text file.
  • Implement a basic logging system to retain the conversation.

I am not sure which programming language you are using but I will give you an example in Python on how you can implement the basic logging function.

  1. Leverage Python's built in logging module

    import logging

    logger = logging.getLogger('conversation_logger')

  2. Set up the logger to write to a file name of your choice , e.g. conversation.log

    file_handler = logging.FileHandler('conversation.log')

  3. Define a function to log each message with a role and content.

    def log_message(role, content):"{role.upper()}: {content}")

  4. To use this: Call log_message() after each exchange in your conversation.

If you think that my response answers your question please marked this as accepted answer cheers!

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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