Guru Code integrate with bitbucket


While try to preform pull request we're facing this issue : Details: CodeGuru Reviewer was unable to retrieve the information necessary to process your request. This usually indicates a problem with source code access permissions. If the error persists, contact AWS Support.

Code review name: BITBUCKET-gogood-1-292f9ab7995f7c44dc1ef23dcf5fc269862ff398 We have the file in our root project : aws-codeguru-reviewer.yml Doing integration with bitbucket, and gave the full permission to AWS CodeStar. Thanks for advanced.

asked a year ago377 views
1 Answer

Hi, did you properly create the BitBucket connection as per

You must authorize CodeStar to access your BitBucket repo: see step 3. of procedure mentioned above.

Best, Didier

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thank you for your comment. I have already authorized CodeStar to access the BitBucket repository as mentioned in step 3.

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