Glue Crawler CSV file with a field containing commas


I have a CSV file, which contains a text field enclosed in double-quotes with commas inside of it. By default Glue Crawler splits the field into columns at the commas. Is there a way to make it realize that it is one field because it is enclosed in double-quotes?

Below is an example of the data. The 3rd field called 'description' is the one containing commas in it.

0,Italy,"Aromas include tropical fruit, broom, brimstone and dried herb. The palate isn't overly expressive, offering unripened apple, citrus and dried sage alongside brisk acidity."
1,Portugal,"This is ripe and fruity, a wine that is smooth while still structured. Firm tannins are filled out with juicy red berry fruits and freshened with acidity. It's  already drinkable, although it will certainly be better from 2016."
2,US,"Tart and snappy, the flavors of lime flesh and rind dominate. Some green pineapple pokes through, with crisp acidity underscoring the flavors. The wine was all stainless-steel fermented."
asked 4 years ago3.7K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I think for that you need a custom crawler csv classifier to specify the quote character, see here

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