Do App Runner support NFS?


Docker has a special startup option to enable mounting of NFS filesystems. Does the "App Runner" container system have such an option available? Created onbehalf of the customer for

asked 2 years ago1367 views
1 Answer

App Runner doesn't support NFS mount option right now, but we do have a roadmap item to support EFS mount for App Runner. Will that help with your usecase? If so please upvote the feature request, if not we would love to understand your usecase a bit more in detail, can you please elaborate your usecase/requirements for NFS volumes

answered 2 years ago
  • Yes, being able to mount -t nfs .... is definitely a need. Not being able to mount NFS on image startup is a block for usage for many scenarios we have. We would really like to discontinue having dedicated TomCat servers, but different apps need to share files over NFS.

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