Pinpoint Push Message Error



I'm using Pinpoint to send 'app push(push notification)' to my client.

I already set up GCM key and this GCM(FCM) key is for both android and iOS app.

I have a problem...

In push notification campaigns, 'Push open rate' is always 0 even though app notification has been clicked. (Email's analytic function is working)'

What should I do?

Thank you in advance.

asked 2 years ago975 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Thanks for your patience. In order for the "Push open rate" metric to get populated, your application and the backend server should be configured to send the "_campaign.opened_notification" event to AWS pinpoint when a user taps on a received notification to open it. Please have a look at the following links for more information about these events:

Can you kindly confirm if this event is currently being sent?

To verify whether the event is being sent to pinpoint, you can enable the kinesis (data firehose streaming in pinpoint)[] and check whether the event "_campaign.opened_notification" is present in the stored logs. If you had already enabled kinesis streaming for your application, kindly check whether "_campaign.opened_notification" events are present in the logs. If not, you will have to configure your application and backend to send the event.

If the events are indeed being sent but you continue to see a Push open rate of 0, I would suggest creating a support case with the Pinpoint team so that we can take a closer look at your setup which is not possible via Repost.

I hope this helps!

answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you for your answer!

    Also, I'm struggle with sending push message via Pinpoint.

    Can I get any payload format for sending message to both iOS and Android?

    If I send through "Standard Message", only android phone could get message but not iOS.

    Even android phone couldn't get any message with deeplink. (message is coming but deeplink not working)

    When I use raw message, it works

    For Android, title, message, linkurl work. { "GCMMessage": { "data": { "message": "message", "title": "title", "linkurl": "jnapps3://?applink=mystore" } } }

    For iOS, only title and body work. linkurl not work.

    "GCMMessage": { "notification": { "title": "Hello Android", "body": "From PinPoint", "linkurl": "jnapps3://?applink=eventlist" } }

    Do I need to fix any code in application? Does Payload format work depending on app's variable name or something?

    Any guide link will be helpful as you already have done above.

    Thank you in advance!!

  • How did you manage to get it working for iOS?

    We are using FCM to send messages to both android and iOS. I am facing a similar issue. When sent from pinpoint, my android app receives the message but not ios?

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