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GameLift: Should i use the SDK Server Reference or SDK Server Reference for Unreal?


So my question is as stated, it seem to be two reference sdk and it is different syntax. Which one Should i use when programming server code on UE5.

// Server SDK Reference

// Server SDK Reference for Unreal

I guess its the Server SDK Reference for Unreal, but they seem the same. Can someone please explain the difference?


asked 4 months ago110 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi CCGames! The short answer is, since you are using the unreal sdk you should use the unreal sdk docs.

The reason these two SDK references can slightly differ is because the unreal SDK is a wrapper of the NO_STD C++ SDK which means it’s built without the C++ standard library. Since it’s a wrapper, the top level types could be different.

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

Alright, I understand! Thank you

answered 4 months ago

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