Amplify gen 2 console in ap-east-1 (Hong Kong)



I am going to use amplify gen 2 in ap-east-1 to create an app. I knew that cognito is recently available in ap-east-1 (early July). I think ap-east-1 have all service required for amplify gen 2. However, the web console of amplify in ap-east-1 still remained in gen 1. I have switched the region and most of the region already using new gen 2 console. May i know when the new console will be available in Hong Kong? Thank you,

asked 2 months ago187 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Unfortunately, I don't think AWS has announced when Amplify gen 2 will be available for ap-east-1.
AWS update information is often announced on "What's New", so I recommend keeping track of the URL below.*all

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answered 2 months ago
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