SES 'Invalid domain' error message


Hi everyone,

I´m a heavy user of the SES, and since yesterday, I started to receive a lot of errors like the one below:

Reporting-MTA: dns; Action: failed Final-Recipient: rfc822; Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.4.4 Invalid domain Status: 5.4.4 is a valid domain, and it works when I send an email from my Gmail account.

I receive that same error sending messages to different domains.

Looks like a DNS problem on SES/AWS.

Is anybody suffering from this same issue?

Kind regards, Gustavo

asked a year ago588 views
3 Answers

Good afternoon Gustavo, did you manage to solve it? I have the same problem. I didn't find anything abnormal, because it worked and it started from nothing. I use CloudFlare.

answered a year ago
  • Hi vzanellato, no, it is still heppening. I hope someone from aws support read this post, and manage to solve the issue.

    Kind regards, Gustavo


Did you find out anything about this issue?

I have the same problem for several domains.

answered a year ago

Hi all,

I had to signup for support, and open a case to solve it. I receive feedback today saying the issue was solved.

Today, I received no errors so far.

Kind regards, Gustavo

answered a year ago

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