getting Error 521 host server down


Hi I have wordpress site on Lightsail. for security and speed I setup the cloudflare and now it gives ERROR 521 , almost everyday ( sometimes twice a day ) I need to restarted the server in order to have my site up and running. I have to say that even before cloudflare, I used to get the server going down every few days ! it is running on Apache ( Bitnami) server. is there any way to extract the Error log file and pin point the issue ? The SSL seems rightly setup and all the Cloudflare IPS are allowed ... I even stopped the Plugins and the problem did not go away ! I looked at metrics and seems hardly any resources are challenged. I had this site on another hosting company never had any issue with is , I wonder if lightsail is good enough .

Appreciate if anyone let me know if they encounter similar issues , or how to get the log file and see the errors.



asked 9 months ago235 views
1 Answer


In the case of Bitnami WordPress, error logs are output to the following directory, so please check this directory.


Logs located in the /var/log/ directory may also be helpful for troubleshooting.
If you want to check the /var/log/ directory, you can do so by connecting via SSH.

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answered 9 months ago

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