When the EC2 instance status check is normal, the Linux terminal cannot be connected


AWS EC2 instance status check is successful, but the Linux terminal cannot be connected via SSH.And the self-built MySQL database is also down.According to the system log and MySQL error log, there is no abnormality. Similar problems have occurred before, and finally the instance needs to be restarted to solve it.

I want to know what caused it so that I can avoid the same problem from happening again in the future.

Best regards, Thanks!

asked 2 years ago407 views
2 Answers

What instance type are you running? My guess would be the MySQL workload is gradually consuming more and more resources until it's reached a point that there's nothing left, and as a result the host is basically hanging.

Check the Monitoring tab for the instance in AWS Console, is there anything that looks like a cause for concern?

Unfortunately the EC2 section of the AWS Console doesn't display metrics for memory use, you'll need to setup CloudWatch agent to collect these https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/Install-CloudWatch-Agent.html

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answered 2 years ago

r5.2xlarge,But no problems were found by checking /var/log/message, such as "OOM",,,

answered 2 years ago

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