AWS --> Instance Type not available -- SUSE-SLES-15-SP2


Hello Community,

I appreciate your time and attention to my post.

I am looking for a specific AMI that used to be available but now it seems to be missing from the list. The AMI I need is suse-sles-15-sp2-v20210612-hvm-ssd-x86_64. How can I access this instance from Amazon?


Feel free to reach out if in-case you need additional information from our end.

regards, Rahul Jain

asked a year ago315 views
2 Answers


According to Mar 31 (2022) new, all public AMIs have the deprecation time set to two years after their creation date, and on June 12 two years have passed since the launch of the suse-sles-15-sp2-v20210612-hvm-ssd-x86_64, so this may be the reason you can't find it.

Thus, a deprecated AMI does not appear in the AMI catalog in the launch instance wizard, but AMI user can continue to launch thus instances using the API, CLI, or the SDKs.

I hope this helps you.

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answered a year ago

If you search for the AMI ID and do not find it, it may no longer be available.
If you cannot find it, you may want to use a successor version.

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answered a year ago
  • thanks Riku_Kobayashi for your response but I want to use the same version.

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