ACM Certificate not getting renewed


We have an ACM certificate which is Issued by Amazon and contains 3 domains.

The first domain - "", renewal status is "Success", however the other 2 are showing "Pending Validation". Due to this our ACM certificate is not getting renewed.

The detailed status is - The status of this certificate renewal request is "Pending validation". Further action is needed to validate and approve the certificate renewal.

Please help, how we can validate this and renewed.

asked 2 years ago454 views
1 Answer

Hi, @virenderdubey88

Is it the public certificate you requested in ACM instead of the one you imported?

In that case, you'll need to do DNS validation for each ACM certificate.
Make sure you have a validating CNAME record for your ACM certificate and can resolve the correct CNAME value.

Must be verifiable via public name resolution for ACM domain verification.
You can get the CNAME information you need from:

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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