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Hi, it is indeed normal that single device deployments do not show up under Remote Action | Jobs since deployments targeted to single devices do not use AWS IoT Jobs. To check if the deployment has been received by the device you can navigate to Core Devices | <your device>, click on the Thing link and then select the Device Shadows tab. You should have a device shadow called AWSManagedGreengrassV2Deployment. The content of this device shadow will reflect the current status of your deployment.
If the deployment has not yet received the device you should only have a "desired"
and "delta"
nodes in the document.
If the deployment has reached the device and the device reported back you should also have a "reported"
node with some information reported by the device, including the "status"
Finally, if the deployment has completed successfully, you should have a "reported"
status with "status": "SUCCEEDED"
Thanks for the explanation.
The device shadow does contain a "reported" node with a "status" key:
"reported": { "ggcVersion": "2.5.6", "fleetConfigurationArnForStatus": "arn:aws:greengrass:<region><id>:configuration:thing/<thing-name>:7", "statusDetails": {}, "status": "IN_PROGRESS" }
it remains this way for over 24 hours, unless I cancel the deployment. Are there any more remote debug steps I can take ? I do not have access to the logs on the device.
Hi. Unlike a Thing group deployment, a single Thing deployment doesn't use jobs. It instead uses shadows. If you look at the shadows for the Thing associated with the Greengrass core device, you'll see the AWSManagedGreengrassV2Deployment
By the way, to help with remote debugging in future, you might consider the Log manager component:
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/v2/developerguide/monitor-logs.html#enable-cloudwatch-logs https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/v2/developerguide/log-manager-component.html
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