Are LightSail System Discs encrypted?


Are LightSail system discs encrypted? The FAQs say that both attached discs and databases are encrypted, but I didn't find a statement concerning system discs. Thanks and best regards!

asked a year ago316 views
2 Answers


The following documentation suggests that all Lightsail block storage is encrypted by default.

All data in attached disks and disk snapshots is automatically encrypted, keeping your data secure.

Q: Does Lightsail block storage offer encryption?

Yes, to help keep your data secure, all Lightsail attached disks and disk snapshots are encrypted at rest by default, using keys that Lightsail manages on your behalf. Lightsail also provides encryption of data as it moves between Lightsail instances and attached disks.

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answered a year ago

@mandelbrezel I asked one of my contacts at AWS a few year back about this very same topic. If I remember correctly, the system disc IS NOT encrypted at rest. Therefore you would want to put any sensitive data on your attached block storage, as that is encrypted at rest.

answered 5 months ago

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