Cloudformation template - unrecognised resource type


I have created ec2 instance and s3 bucket ...also have create a image of ec2 instance create a snapshot and saved to s3 bucket... Created ec2 ami resource type as AWS::EC2::Image whole running I am getting error as template formate incorrect unrecognised resource typ AWS::EC2::Image Please suggest a solution to create ami using cloudformat template

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asked 24 days ago100 views
2 Answers

Here is a list of resources for Cloudformation AWS:EC2

there is no AWS::EC2::Image resource, that's why you get an error unrecognised resource type

If you need to create a new image via CloudFormation, consider using AWS::ImageBuilder::Image

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answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 24 days ago


The cause of the error is that the resource type "AWS::EC2::Image" does not exist.

Currently, I think it is necessary to use ImageBuilder etc. to create an AMI with CloudFormation.

ec2 instance create a snapshot and saved to s3 bucket

You mentioned that you saved the snapshot in an S3 bucket, but how exactly did you save it?
I think the snapshot data is stored in S3 managed by AWS, so I don't think it will be output to S3 managed by the user.

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answered 24 days ago

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