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How to do input remixing with MediaConvert audio selector groups?


I have a MediaConvert job with one input. This input has two audio selectors, both selecting from external files (each file being stereo audio). An audio selector group contains both of these audio selectors.

The job outputs to a file group, with a single aac audio, using the audio selector group above as its source. As expected, this produces a file that includes the audio of both of the external files combined together.

If I enable input remixing on the input audio selectors then the output only includes the audio from one of the external files. This seems to happen if I leave the remixing values unchanged, or all zeroes, or various other combinations of values.

Is this expected behaviour?

asked 4 months ago142 views
1 Answer

Based on your second paragraph, it sounds like ouput stage remixing works for you, which is great. This is the most common use case. If you want to pursue some issue with input-stage remixing, we suggest opening a support case with AWS Prem Support.

answered 3 months ago

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