Does Powertools logs regular methods parameters ?



Regarding the Powertools logging feature that logs events of Lambda handlers in AOP style, can this be applied to normal classes and methods like an AspectJ annotation ?

Thank you,
Mihai ADAM

asked a month ago45 views
1 Answer


Currently, AWS Lambda Powertools logging primarily targets Lambda functions, capturing context and events in an AOP style. It does not natively log parameters of regular methods in standard Java classes, similar to AspectJ annotations. To apply similar logging to non-Lambda methods, you would need additional configuration or custom implementation using tools like AspectJ. Although Powertools focuses on Lambda, combining it with AspectJ could provide the desired logging for regular Java classes and methods. For complex use cases, consider engaging with the AWS Powertools GitHub community. I'm here to help!

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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