EC2 spot instance recovery


My EC2 spot instance stopped due to non-payment of bills. I immediately paid my pending bills. But I am unable to access my instance again. How can I resolve this?

asked 10 months ago385 views
2 Answers

Thank you so much @steve for the prompt response. I had a follow up question - the instance was terminated by AWS and there is no unattached volume that remains, neither do I have a snapshot - does that mean I have lost the data on the instance for good? Or is there any remote possibility through which AWS can help me locate my data. I am in a bad spot currently - I had very little idea about the nuances of EC2 (which I am currently regretting a lot) but the data which I lost was extremely vital. What should I do?

answered 10 months ago
  • It's all gone I'm afraid.

    Spot instances are very cheap because it's basically unused capacity at a particular point in time that would otherwise go to waste, so AWS might as well get something for it. For that reason they can't be relied on.

    If your data is important it's worth paying more for the reliability of an on-demand instance.


When any instance is terminated (not just stopped) its gone. Verify whether you selected not to delete the volumes when the instance was terminated, and if you took any snapshots or backups of it while it was running.

This knowledge document addresses the scenario

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answered 10 months ago

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