Sending sms to US with AWS Pinpoint issue- messages don't get delivered.


Hello there. Could anyone please recommend me the best way to send messages in US with Pinpoints ? What I mean exactly is the entity called "Originator" - it can either be Simulator (having by default), or Dedicated Short code, Dedicated Long Code, Toll-free, or 10DLC.

From what I tried with "Simulator" originator works with some countries, but messages don't get delivered if you are sending to US numbers. Long code supports only voice messaging. Using "Toll-free" and "10DLC" takes to have some brand registered.

We run the app that provides medical services to US citizens and it includes sending messages to patients regarding upcoming appointments etc, not promotional. What would you recommend to use, which type of originator? As I mentioned before the "Simulator" type provided by default doesn't get messages delivered to US phone numbers although it does deliver to some other countries numbers like UA, that I used due testing. So the question is - which type of originator would be optimal for our needs? Thanks.

asked a month ago35 views
1 Answer


Based on the details/use-case, you provided, I think the best origination number to send messages to US, would be 10 DLC[+]. [+].

Further you can also refer [+] for more details on choosing correct origination identity. [+].

In addition to this, please note that, Effective August 31, 2023, a dedicated number such as a Amazon SNS 10DLC number or a toll-free number is required to send SMS messages to the United States and its territories (Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa Islands, and the US Virgin Islands). [+].

Hence, I believe that this is the reason why test message is not going to US destination, which are tested by the simulator number as the messages are being filtered at the below carriers end. However, in order to check into these, I would request you to open a support case, with the failed message ID's and support team can further check into the reason behind the failure.

You can refer below documentation for enabling logging behavior for pinpoint SMS, using kinesis. [+].

Once you have configured logging, you can try sending the test message and if it failed, you can fetch the SMS events from the kinesis and share it over the support case.

Hence in conclusion, you can make use of TFN or a 10 DLC number to send messages to US destinations, and based on the use-case, I believe 10 DLC would be appropriate for your use-case. In order to use 10 DLC, we need to get brand, and campaign registered, so that in future you don't face issue with delivery.

Once the registration is completed, you can use the registered 10 DLC number to send successful messages to UnitedStates. [+].

answered a month ago

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