Unable to create alias during code catalyst onboarding.


While attempting to sign up for code catalyst, I go through the process until I get to the "Create your alias" step. If I choose an alias that has clearly already been chosen (alias), then it tells me immediately that it is unavailable.

If I enter my desired alias, it does not do anything. Tracing the response through the browser I get: {"errors":[{"message":"request change failure: FAILED_GOVERNANCE","locations":[{"line":2,"column":3}],"path":["createUserDetails"],"extensions":{"name":"ValidationException"},"name":"ValidationException"}],"data":{"createUserDetails":null}}

I saw that another individual had a similar problem: https://repost.aws/questions/QUbeV0idyfTuGVG-FmnzLS0Q/cant-create-alias-in-codecatalyst It would seem he got past the issue by using a different email address which I am unwilling to do. The email address I am using is an @gmail.com address.

  • Hi Rick, it was myself that raised the ticket you mentioned and the original email is still failing with the same problem about the alias. My solution wasn't technically a new email, I just used the 'address+prefix@gmail.com' trick so still get the emails associated with the builder ID in my normal email inbox.

asked a year ago315 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

I was able to complete the registration today without adding any +stuff to my address. It looks like whatever issue was causing this to fail was solved.

answered a year ago

Today I was able to complete the registration. The error didn't occur again.

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answered a year ago

Hi Rick,

Thank you for reporting the issue. I have sent this to our team. They are currently reviewing the account. I will get back to you as soon as i have an update from them.

Regards Sundaresh

answered a year ago

I get the same error message when I try to create the CodeCatalyst space:

The following AWS account is already used as a billing account for another CodeCatalyst space: xxxxxxxxxx. Choose a different AWS account and try again.

In the developer mode of my browser, I can see this output:

{"errors":[{"message":"request change failure: FAILED_GOVERNANCE","locations":[{"line":2,"column":3}],"path":["createSpace"],"extensions":{"name":"ValidationException"},"name":"ValidationException"}],"data":{"createSpace":null}}

My e-mail address starts with "mail@...". Is this forbidden? The e-mail is used in my personal Amazon account as well as AWS account root user e-mail in one of my AWS accounts. Could this cause the issue?


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answered a year ago

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