Rekognition Collection Limit


Hi everyone,

Looking at the Rekognition Guidelines and quotas I don't see any mention of how many Collections you can have in an account. Would there be any problem in having millions of collections?

Thanks for your help.

asked 2 years ago601 views
2 Answers


  • The Maximum number of faces you can store in a single face collection is 20 million.
  • The maximum matching faces the search API returns is 4096.
  • DetectText can detect up to 100 words in an image.
  • DetectProtectiveEquipment can detect Personal Protective Equipment on up to 15 people.


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answered 2 years ago
  • Thank-you; however this does not answer my question. I'm interested in the maximum number of Collections, not the other limits listed.


There is no limit to the number of collections that can be created in an account

answered a year ago

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