Delete cost on Glacier deep archive


Hello, I have over 11.5 Millions files on S3 bucket, last month i transferred them from standard to Glacier deep archive and paid over 600$ for this transition. Now i want to delete everything in S3 or even remove the Bucket at all.

Can anyone help me what is the best way to remove these with the cheapest method. Do I have to pay for this and if yes how much it will cost me ?

Thank you in advance

asked a year ago369 views
1 Answer


S3 Glacier may incur charges when deleted as described in the document below.
If you just moved objects in the last month, you should incur charges.

If you want to do this, I think it would be a good idea to set up an S3 lifecycle rule to automatically delete objects that are older than 180 days.

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answered a year ago

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