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AWS Free Tier usage limit - hit 85% limit after a month



I am extremely new to the AWS world. I just finished a personal project where I used S3, EC2 and RDS. Though I haven't done much on the website. I deployed my website on Oct 04 and Got a notice in Nov 03, sayin that I have used up 85% of my free tier. I also turned off the project on Nov 3rd as well. I also created the project/website utilzing django and REACT.

It would be greatly appreciated if some one can give me some info or direct me to the correct sources to understand this problem bettter and why/how did i already use up 85% of the free tier in a barely a month.

Thank you in advance whoever replies! It is greatly appreicated!

2 Answers

The alerts you're receiving are per-service, so this means you've used 85% of the free tier allowance for this one service. The free tier for EC2, for example, is 750 hours per month, which is just over enough hours to run one instance for the whole month. Assuming you had these instances running continuously from October 4th, it would make sense that you had used 85% of your free tier allowance for EC2 for the month. This resets every month, so you will have 750 hours to use every month for the first 12 months.

More information on the free tier is available here:, and you can view your current free tier usage in the console here:

answered 2 years ago

Hi, as described in you get an allowance per month, so it's probably just saying you used 85% of your month's allowance, but you get more the next month (for 12 months). The monthly 750 hours for EC2 and for RDS for example each allow for a single instance running 24x7 for just over 31 days.

answered 2 years ago

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