Amazon Connect - redirect when ongoing call too long in queue


Hello, We have a scenario where we want to redirect a call when it is too long in queue, or when the call is proposed max 2x to an agent in Amazon Connect. So, this would be as follows:

  • incoming call
  • call is proposed to the first agent available, but this agent does not accept the call
  • call is then proposed to a second available agent, but also this agent does not accept the call
  • call is rerouted to the callback queue

Checking the longest call in queue doesn't seem to provide the answer as this checks upon a new incoming call, not on the ongoing call.

What would be the best solution to this scenario?

Regards, Nico

asked a year ago601 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You cannot check how many times a call has been ring no answer easily out of the box, it will take some programming at the client side or using Agent Event Stream to tag the call using UpdateContactAttribute if it is missed.

If you have a set time like after 20 min of wait time for the current call, I will just force a callback. This can be done in many ways. One way is in the customer queue flow, set a timeout in your Loop Prompts to 5 min (if all your prompts takes 5 min to play), it will create a new branch Timeout. You can then add a Loop block (loop it 3 times) , Play Prompt (eg 5 min prompt), and after it is "Complete", force a callback. A total of 20 min wait time = [5 min (initial prompt) + (5 min x 3)] to force callback.

attaching a sample on what it will look like. sample flow

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks Clarence, that's indeed what we implemented now.

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