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ec2 Standard Reserved instance: Can you increase the EBS size from the original size when the instance was created?


If I have a Standard Reserved ec2 instance and the only thing I want to do is increase the EBS SSD size to a larger size than when I created the instance, can this be done? i.e. if I increase the EBS from 160GB to a higher EBS size, or change from using gp2 to using gp3, can this be done with a Standard Reserved instance? I would not be changing the instance size or type. Or would I need to have a Convertible Reserved instance to be able to change the EBS size? Nothing else would be changing.

asked 2 years ago568 views
1 Answer

AFAIK modification to volume size or volume type should not be an issue. Reserved instances are only for compute power ie. instance type irrespective of volume

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answered 2 years ago

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