Cloud9 Access No Longer Available


The past few days, I worked through some exercises in AWS. I spun up a Cloud9 environment and used this.

But now, when I want to return to the Cloud9 environment, my access has been restricted. I get a page that says “This account does not have access to Cloud9 service”.

What could the cause be, and how can I regain access to Cloud9?

The ec2 container tied to the Cloud9 service was initially stopped. But after restarting it, I still don't have access. Furthermore, I don't have an option to create a new Cloud9 environment.

Additional note: The ec2 container for Cloud9, after manually starting it, eventually stopped again.

Thank you!

asked 3 months ago2291 views
6 Answers

I would recommend you open a support case for this issue.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

Hi iBehr,

Thank you for responding. Is there a way to do that under the free tier?

I realized that the ec2 instance shuts down after some time because that is the way I'd originally configured Cloud9 - if there was no activity in the environment after a half hour, it would shut down. So that makes sense.

But I still don't understand why I can't get into the Cloud9 environment anymore.

Would it be worth the effort to delete the ec2 container? Would that allow me to then create a new Cloud9 environment?

Funny thing - I'm experiencing this issue as a root user. When I log in as an IAM user with appropriate privileges, I'm able to create a new Cloud9 environment with no issue.

answered 3 months ago


Is it a new AWS account? Since yesterday, some new AWS accounts have been unable to access the Cloud9 console with the same error. Existing AWS accounts can access without problems.

answered 3 months ago
  • Relatively new. I created it in May.


I'm getting the exact same error when trying to run the EKS workshop.

Console Error Message

This account has existed for many years but just reviving it for some hacking.

answered 2 months ago

I'm able to connect to it now. I guess there was an issue on AWS' end.

answered 2 months ago
answered 2 months ago

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