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Issue on RDS SQL Server native backup over S3



we have migrated to RDS SQL Server 2019. We have configured some tasks to make daily backups to S3 as explained on

In our tests everything was perfect. However, after the real migration backups are working fine for all databases except one of them (it only worked in the first and second execution). We receive this error on RDS:

Error de escritura en '90ED53E1-C302-4079-B1D4-FB342E653B48': 995(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.)  
Encountered an error while uploading an S3 chunk: Part number must be an integer between 1 and 10000, inclusive  S3 write stream upload failed.

I found that this error occurs in other cases 3 years ago:

Is there any way to solve this issue?

Best regards.

2 Answers


Can you try to increase the size of the ‘part’ with the advanced configuration setting and see if it makes a difference, since this could be due to the size being too small.
The part size can be up to 5 GB.

Note: If you use the Amazon S3 console, the maximum file size for uploads is 160 GB. To upload a file that is larger than 160 GB, use the AWS CLI, AWS SDK, or Amazon S3 REST API.

Also, optimize the performance by going through the below mentioned link: -- [1]

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago


thank you but we can't change the size of the part because it's an RDS procedure that we can't modify. We have got better results increasing the number of files in the parameter "XXX" of procedure msdb.dbo.rds_backup_database.

We'll see if it works always but anyway this is a problem from RDS backup system.

Best regards.

answered 2 years ago

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