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Block Internet on Workspaces


I cannot block Internet access on Workspaces.
In security group related to Workspaces in "Outbound rules" I deleted "" rule, in "Outbound rules" I have only one rule, which allows traffic to local network (Workspaces subnet itself).

In directory settings "Access to Internet" is set up to "disable".

But I can access Internet resources from Workspace itself. And I don't understand why traffic is passing while no rules is set up.

What I need to set up for block access to Internet from Workspaces?


asked 6 years ago1.2K views
1 Answer


I missed that there is additional Security Group.

You can check it here:
AWS Console-> Workspaces->Directories -> Select your directory -> Actions (update details) -> Security Groups ->"Select a security group to add to your WorkSpaces"

This group will be added to all new generated Workplaces
In my case this additional group contains outbound rule for


Edited by: Scullone on Feb 25, 2019 3:23 AM

Edited by: Scullone on Feb 25, 2019 3:24 AM

answered 6 years ago

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