AWS Glue custom visual transform not reloading from s3 bucket


I created a custom visual transform component and put the needed json and python files in S3. The component loaded up as expected. Later, I needed to do some more adjustments to the parameters (removing one and renaming) in the json and the function and so I made the adjustments and re-uploaded those 2 fields replacing the originals. However, the visual editor still shows the old parameter names and refuses to update.

How to I get the Glue Visual Editor to refresh the custom visual components? It has been over an hour now and it is till not updating. The documentation implies it happens when the job is saved again. However that is not happening.

I even tried deleting the files in S3, removing the components from the job. and re-uploading and adding the components back in. By the way, when the files were deleted from S3, the component STILL showed up as an option to add in the visual editor!

asked 2 months ago171 views
2 Answers


After checking on my end, I could see a similar behavior but following the below resolved the issue on my end :

  • Close the Glue Job where the Custom Transform is/will be used
  • Make updates to S3
  • Re-open the Glue Job in a new browser tab

Could you please check if the same is working on your end. If you are still facing the issue then please raise a support case[1] with AWS along with the HAR file[2].

Reference :



answered 2 months ago

I let it sit all weekend (camping trip!) and logging in fresh to the AWS console and it is showing up correctly. But I shall try your approach next time to see if it refreshes faster

answered 2 months ago

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