Synology NAS upload


I have a Synology NAS and use the Glacier Backup App to store some of my data in AWS S3 Glacier. This is a test batch.

I have 6 vaults with approximately 250GB of data spread over 62,000 archives.

Now the calculators say that should be around $1 a month would that be about right? My bill is already showing $4 and I only uploaded it yesterday.

asked 25 days ago52 views
1 Answer


Is it possible for you to share the specific details of the invoice?
Click the plus mark button on your bill to see detailed charges for AWS services. a

I think it would cost about $1 to store a 250GB size using S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval in the Northern Virginia region.
Please check if there are any charges other than storage fees.

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answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 25 days ago
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reviewed 25 days ago

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