Using Iceberg tables and time travel feature in Quicksight


I have Iceberg tables in AWS data catalog which I want to use to create dashboards in AWS QuickSight. The idea is to set a date paremter in QuickSight and then to be able to use it with Iceberg time travel feature. I.e. I'd like QuickSight to filter the data as of specific date using Iceberg capability to execute queries "as of timestamp" (e.g. select * from table FOR TIMESTAMP AS OF (timestamp '2022-12-01 22:00:00').

My questions are:

Does Quicksight support Iceberg tables as a data source? Is it possible to use the time travel feature of Iceberg tables in Quicksight when writing custom sql queries for the data source? Is it possible to use Quicksight parameter with Iceberg time travel? If this is possible, it would be extremely powerful combination Iceberge timetravel + Quicksight dashboards. If it is not possible what is the best alternatives, assuming that my data are in Iceberg tables.

It seems that Quicksight can work with Icerberg tables as a data source, but I can't figure out if quciksight paramters somehow can be used im time travel for Iceberg tables.

asked 2 years ago932 views
1 Answer


I see you have the following questions

Does Quicksight support Iceberg tables as a data source? Yes, Quicksight supports Athena as a data source.

Is it possible to use the time travel feature of Iceberg tables in Quicksight when writing custom sql queries for the data source? Yes, there should be no issue specifying a time travel query to Athena from quicksight.

Is it possible to use Quicksight parameter with Iceberg time travel? If I am understanding your question correctly, it is not possible to create a parameter that can dynamically alter a custom SQL query to reload data. You may use a time parameter to filter timestamps of data that has been loaded as a dataset.

If it is not possible what is the best alternatives, assuming that my data are in Iceberg tables.

I would ask that you open an AWS support case in the case I have misunderstood any of the above questions, but also to further discuss your use case to understand the best options you have available.

Thank You.

answered 2 years ago

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