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How to convert AudioOnly HLS (m3u8 + aac segments) to .mp3 using AWS MediaConvert


Hi, I have a medialive channel. one of its output group writes an audio only hls with aac segments to an s3 bucket. (*.m3u8 and *.aac)

I want to convert the hls playlist to .mp3 using AWS MediaConvert but am unable to find the right configurations for AAC audio only HLS input. Is it possible to do so?

or even better would be if medialive can directly create a .mp3 audio only output but i dont think thats possible

asked a year ago1.1K views
3 Answers

Hello, this is Jorge and thanks for your query.

You are right, at the moment you can't output mp3 directly from Medialive.

While using Mediaconvert you can create audio-only outputs, for the MP3 output, please follow these steps;

AWS Mediaconvert -> Output groups -> Encoding settings -> remove Video -> hit Audio -> hit above Output settings -> Container "no container" -> Encoding settings again -> Audio codec "MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3)"

Please let me know if that makes sense.

answered a year ago
  • Hi, thanks for the assistance.

    Unfortunately I'm facing the same error as before. Error Code 1010 Error Message Unable to open input file. [Failed probe/open: [The transcoder can't use this HLS input manifest.]]

    My HLS file is .m3u8 and segments are .aac (audio only) I've tried changing the input HLS and it works for .m3u8 playlist and .ts segments (audio only)

    The input is in the same bucket as the .aac segments one so its not an issue of permissions


Hi, this is Jorge again from AWS Support.

Error 1010 means;

The service can't open one or more of your input files. Possible causes are as follows:

The file is corrupted.

There's a problem with your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. Check the following:

The permissions of the IAM role that the service assumes.

The IAM permissions of the person logged in to the service who creates the job.

The input file type isn't supported. See Supported input codecs and containers.

The specified path to your Amazon S3 input file has a mistake. To verify the correct file path, choose the Browse button on the console and select your file from your Amazon S3 bucket.

Did you check that for the input content?

Do you think you can create a ticket and I can double check your Job details from our side.

answered a year ago
  • Hi, thanks for the reply.

    The file is playable and it isn't corrupt. IAM Permissions are fine as I've accessed another input in the same bucket to perform a job. Could be an issue of file type support. The path is fine, i've used the browser button to add the file.

    Creating a ticket would be good I think. Please let me know what I shall add in the ticket



This is Fazil from AWS Support.

You can add the Job ID, Region, IAM role and if possible the input file when creating the support ticket.

answered a year ago
  • Hi sorry its been a while , can you please share instructions how to create a support ticket for this and what would be the relevant department to handle this

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