Error connecting to a Windows Server with Putty


Hi all.
I just started fumbling with a virtual server, today.
I setup a Windows one and I can connect to it with RDP with no problems. Though, when I try connectin with putty as SSH, I get the "Network error: connection timed out".
I already tried the recommended workarounds (SSH on port 22 enabled on security policies and so on...) but I had no luck.
I'm connecting from home (Windows 10 Pro) and my ISP doesn't provide a public IP. But I set up all IP's allowed on incoming traffic.
Is there a way to solve?
Thank you

PS: I added a rule to the local firewall to allow outgoing traffic on port 22 too

Edited by: Rogas on Jun 4, 2021 9:40 AM

asked 3 years ago319 views
1 Answer

I was able to do that. I didn't check and the OpenSSH Server was not installed on the server

answered 3 years ago

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