Textract - Analyzing Multiple Images that contain different parts of the same bill


Is there any way to use Analyze Expense when the receipt or bill is split into multiple images. I have tried combining the images into a single image but this didn't work as expected. I was getting duplicate line items.

So, is there any way to submit multiple pictures for the same receipt?

asked 5 months ago178 views
1 Answer
  1. Split the document into multiple images: If you have a scanned document or a PDF file that contains multiple pages, you'll need to split it into individual images. This can be done using various libraries or tools, depending on your programming language or workflow.

  2. Call Amazon Textract for each image: After splitting the document into individual images, you'll need to call the Amazon Textract API for each image. This can be done using the AWS SDK for your preferred programming language or through the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).

    For example, using the AWS Python (Boto3) SDK, you can call the DetectDocumentText operation for each image:

    import boto3
    textract = boto3.client('textract', region_name='your-aws-region')
    for image_file in image_files:
        with open(image_file, 'rb') as file:
            image_bytes = file.read()
        response = textract.detect_document_text(Document={'Bytes': image_bytes})
        # Process the response for the current image
  3. Combine the results: After analyzing each image, you'll need to combine the results to reconstruct the complete document or bill. This typically involves concatenating the text and organizing the data based on the structure and layout of the document.

    Amazon Textract provides information about the detected text lines, their order, and their relationships within the document. You can use this information to stitch the text lines together and reconstruct the complete document.

  4. Handle page numbers or identifiers (optional): If your document has page numbers or identifiers, you can use this information to order the pages correctly when combining the results.

  5. Post-processing: Depending on your use case, you might need to perform additional post-processing steps, such as extracting specific fields, validating data, or formatting the output.

answered 5 months ago

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