Grant Rekognition cross-account S3 access


What's the correct way to grant Rekognition cross-account S3 access?

When I grant the root of the AWS account to access the bucket, then Rekognition works.

However, if I use the service principal (, Rekognition model training fails with:


failed to copy images from s3 bucket.

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asked 2 months ago99 views
1 Answer

Rekognition will only have access to a S3 bucket that the user/role who sends the request have access to. So in this case, if you're sending a request from account A with an image that's stored in S3 bucket C that A doesn't have access to, Rekognition won't be able to process your request. If you attach a policy to bucket S that allows access from the user/role of A, then the request should go through. This is basically the case of "When I grant the root of the AWS account to access the bucket, then Rekognition works." If you attach a policy to only allow the service principle to access bucket S, at this point account A would not have access to bucket S, then the requesst would fail.

answered 2 months ago

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