Is SES suitable for a personal email server?


I wish to run a personal email server on EC2, and as port 25 outgoing is blocked I need an outgoing email solution.

I have been looking at Amazon SES, however my use case does not seem to be "transactional" or "marketing", and I don't have any website to enter into the form requesting production access.

Would SES be suitable for this, or should I use an alternative solution for outgoing email?

asked 9 months ago254 views
2 Answers


Depending on the use case, you may be able to apply for removal of the Amazon SES sandbox even for personal use.
If it seems difficult to use Amazon SES, you can also request to cancel port 25 and run the mail server on EC2 as described in the document below.

profile picture
answered 9 months ago
  • I did try to get port 25 outgoing unblocked on EC2 a couple of years ago, as well as getting Amazon SES into production, but both were rejected. I guess I could try again but I don't feel my use case is very welcome.


Besides removing port 25 restriction as suggested by Riku, you can explore Amazon WorkMail

answered 9 months ago
  • Paying for Amazon WorkMail seems a little wasteful if an EC2 instance can handle everything apart from port 25 outgoing.

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