Setting Default Region won't work out.


Hi there,

I have a problem with setting my default region as us-east-1. Even if I choose us-east-1 (N. Virginia), on my next login the default region becomes eu-north-1 (stockholm) - I believe it is so because I live in the Netherlands. I tried to change the setting towards "last used region" as I am always working in us-east-1, It did not work out. So, there was one solution left which is apply for the techinal support.

Help me solve this problem, please. Thank you in advance.

asked a year ago290 views
1 Answer

Hi - See if this helps your case

"With Unified Settings, settings will persist across devices, browsers, and services. At launch, Unified Settings will support settings called default language, default Region, and favorite service display. Default language displays your preferred language across the Management Console, default Region sets the AWS Region that loads each time you log in or load a service console, and favorite service display will show services in the favorites bar with either the service icon and full name or only the service icon. Unified Settings is available in all public AWS Regions."

Reference :

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I tried to set the default region via Unified Settings, but it did not work out. Whenever I log in, the default region is eu-north-1 (Stockholm) again.

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