Hello. I have this matchmaking configuration
"name": "GOF-Matchmaking-6P",
"ruleLanguageVersion": "1.0",
"teams": [{
"name": "Dragons",
"minPlayers": 6,
"maxPlayers": 6
"playerAttributes": [{
"name": "rank",
"type": "number",
"default": 0
"rules": [{
"name": "RankProximity",
"type": "distance",
"measurements": [ "avg(teams[*].players.attributes[rank])" ],
"referenceValue": 0,
"maxDistance": 20
"expansions": [{
"target": "teams[Dragons].minPlayers",
"steps": [{
"waitTimeSeconds": 10,
"value": 5
}, {
"waitTimeSeconds": 30,
"value": 4
}, {
"waitTimeSeconds": 60,
"value": 3
}, {
"waitTimeSeconds": 90,
"value": 2
}, {
"target": "rules[RankProximity].maxDistance",
"steps": [{
"waitTimeSeconds": 20,
"value": 50
}, {
"waitTimeSeconds": 40,
"value": 60
}, {
"waitTimeSeconds": 60,
"value": 70
}, {
"waitTimeSeconds": 90,
"value": 80
}, {
"waitTimeSeconds": 120,
"value": 90
}, {
"waitTimeSeconds": 150,
"value": 100
The matchmaking configuration is sending to SNS -> Lambda -> DynamoDB and from here I'm parsing the players to join the match.
As you can see, there's a relax time and let's say for example, you have to wait for 90 seconds for the match to play with 2 players. (This if 2 players pressed the start button at the same time). This is all fine, after 90 seconds SNS is triggered and it updates the database and it shows me that 2 players were found and I can continue to travel to the server map.
What I want is this.
In case of 2 players are pressing the START button at the same time, SNS to send to the database right after, or to create already a potential match and if no one is pressing in the meantime, to start the match after 90 seconds. If, before 90 seconds are passed, a new player is pressing the START (to search for a match), to update the Potential Match to 3 players.
Is this possible? I've seen in other games for example, that in the lobby are 2 players (and still waiting for other players) and in case no players are found, after 90 seconds to start the game with those 2 players only.
Hope I made myself clear.
Thank you!