Unable to connect to ec2 instance using Connect on console through ssh


I was able to connect to my ec2 instance earlier through Connect on console but now getting error while connecting. The security group is enabled for ssh on port 22 but still the error is coming. I had rebooted the instance as well.

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asked 7 months ago230 views
1 Answer

If you were previously able to connect to the EC2 instance via SSH but are now getting an error establishing the connection, Check the instance status: Verify that the instance is still in the "running" state.

• Check the security group: Ensure that the security group associated with the instance still has a rule allowing inbound SSH traffic (port 22) from your IP address or the IP address range you're connecting from.

• Check the key pair: Confirm that you are using the correct private key file to connect to the instance. The key pair must match the one that was used to launch the instance.

• Check the instance public IP or DNS name: Verify that you are using the correct public IP address or public DNS name of the instance to connect.

You can refer Connect using EC2 Instance Connect for further information

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

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