Lightsail Wordpress Getting 404 Not Found nginx/1.18.0 Error


Our nonprofit is migrating over to LightSail and we setup an instance without an issue but now out of nowhere we are getting a 404 Not Found nginx/1.18.0. From researching the problem, it seems to be a root or public file issue or maybe an issue with the server setup? When I reboot the server it works again and I can get into WP but it then goes back to 404. Our domain is

Thanks in advance for any guidance!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Could you share the content of /var/log/nginx ? This will tell you what's it's trying to do, and why it's not working. Also, the command nginx -t will try to validate your configuration. share the results of this command too please.

answered 8 months ago
  • Here is what the resource said who resolved the issue for us said:

    There were multiple issues. The Apache config file was not correctly set. WordPress memory limit was very low. 40MB Also, there was a resource issue in terms of RAM, and CPU. It was 1 GB RAM and 2 CPUs

    I have fixed the Apache config. increased WordPress memory limit to 512 MB. Also upgraded the instance resource to 2GB RAM and 2 CPUs. You may see the site is also loading fine and better than earlier.

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