How do I redirect (301) to the same website? S3, CloudFront, Route53


I have a list of urls that changed to a new url within the same site, for example I want it to redirect to, the domain is the same. My website is a static site in S3, I'm using Route 53 and CloudFront. On which of these should I set the redirects? I tried adding a redirect rule in the bucket but it changes my site's domain to that of the bucket, it does this: redirects --> .

Can I use an .htaccess file? What is the best method to do 301 redirects in this scenario?

Thanks in advance!

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

With a large number of redirects to handle, I think you'd be better off using Lambda@Edge along with an external data source. This way, you don't need to update your Lambda code every time you need to add/change a redirect - instead, you just modify the data source. DynamoDB Global Tables is a good option for this. Take a look at this blog post which discusses a variety of approaches. Be sure to attach your Lambda@Edge function to the Origin Request trigger so that the redirect responses are stored in the CloudFront cache.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks Paul! For now, I have 364 redirects. To keep things simpler I use a redirect.json file in my function deployment package. When the redirect happens I get "Miss from cloudfront" in the header. I was expecting "Hit from cloudfront". It's right? My Code: const redirects = require('./redirects.json').map( ({ source, destination }) => ({ source, destination }) );

    exports.handler = async event => {

    let request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
    for (const { source, destination } of redirects) {
      if (request.uri == source) {
        //Generate HTTP redirect response to a different landing page.
        return {
            status: '301',
            statusDescription: 'Moved Permanently',
            headers: {
              'location': [{
                key: 'Location',
                value: destination,
              'cache-control': [{
                key: 'Cache-Control',
                value: "max-age=3600"
    return request;



If you prefer to keep things simpler and don't require the advanced capabilities provided by Lambda@Edge, you can use S3 built-in website redirection feature.

Here's how: Create a new S3 bucket for website redirection (e.g., "example-redirects-bucket").

In this bucket, configure a simple HTML file for each redirect. For example, if you want to redirect "/old-url" to "/new-url", create an HTML file named "index.html" in the "old-url" folder with the following content:

html Copy code

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="> </head> </html> Make sure that "example-redirects-bucket" is set up as a static website and allows public access.

In your main S3 bucket where your website is hosted, configure a routing rule in the S3 bucket's properties to redirect requests for "/old-url" to the corresponding HTML file in "example-redirects-bucket." Happy Learning

answered a year ago
  • Thank Waseem for your prompt answer. I just implemented this solution and it works! But, what happens if I need to redirect more than 50 urls? Can I do it with routing rules in the main S3 bucket's?

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