automatic upgrade of aurora serverless (v1) for postgresql


We are running an instance of postgreSQL 11.21 on aurora serverless (v1). In the "Logs & Event" we can see periodic events like:

Upgrade in progress: Performing pre-upgrade checks.
Database cluster is in a state that cannot be upgraded: PreUpgrade checks failed: The cluster could not be upgraded because one or more databases have settings or usages that are not compatible with the target engine version. Please check the precheck log file for more details
Database cluster is in a state that cannot be upgraded: Upgrade was unsuccessful.

As far as I know postgreSQL 11.21 is not deprecated yet, so why is AWS trying to auto update the DB?

asked 2 months ago195 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi, you're right that Aurora still has postgreSQL 11.21 under extended support ... but not for serverless. Aurora Serverless v1 is available in certain AWS Regions and for specific Aurora PostgreSQL versions only. For the current list of AWS Regions that support Aurora Serverless v1 and the specific Aurora PostgreSQL versions available in each Region, see

answered 2 months ago
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