QoS for Hosted VIFs


I have a customer who will have a primary account to host redundant DX connections and utilize hosted VIFs for child accounts. Because the aggregate bandwidth is shared across all VIFs (Dev, Prod, ProgramA, ProgramB), the customer would like to implement some sort of QoS on the VIFs so the programs don't have to worry about their 'noisy neighbors.'

From previous posts, i know that customers can utilize the APN to purchase sub 1G connections. I also know that customers need to implement the QoS on their side and avoid utilizing protocols that require configuration on both sides of a duplex link (DiffServ).......but I'm looking to provide more prescriptive guidance.

Is the easiest way for customer to get QoS per-VIF on their side of the connection by using VLAN-based QoS? Something like what is described by Cisco here: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/datacenter/nexus5000/sw/qos/521_n1_1/b_5k_QoS_Config_521N11/b_5k_QoS_Config_521N11_chapter_01000.pdf

Amy I missing anything? Any other ways to do this?

asked 6 years ago1.1K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The link you've shared is focusing on Layer 2 QoS which wouldn't be applicable here.

If they want to rate limit traffic per VLAN they need to apply traffic policing on each Layer 3 VLAN interface on their end i.e. VLAN x gets 30Mbps inbound and outbound, VLAN Y gets 50 Mbps inbound and outbound etc.

The configuration will depend on the vendor and software they're using but here are a couple of Cisco examples:

Bare in mind traffic policing is only a subset of what real QoS actually is but in this case it's all that is available.

answered 6 years ago

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