Fetching data from SAP Datasphere to Redshift


Hi Experts,

I have a requirement to get data from SAP Datasphere to amazon redshift. can any of you guide me in how to do this? I read in a blog that we need to use amazon S3 for that, but I am afraid it is going to cost us more.

Arjun S
asked 4 months ago695 views
1 Answer

How much data are we talking about? I would suggest you visit the AWS pricing calculator (https://calculator.aws/#/createCalculator/S3) and determine with a few keystrokes just how much it will cost you to use S3 as a landing zone (spoiler alert: S3 Standard storage costs about $25 per TB per month), after which loading the data from S3 to redshift in the same AWS region incurs no data transfer charges. S3 can serve as your landing zone today, but can eventually become your historical data lake and single source of truth that powers your data projects of the future.

answered 4 months ago

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