AWS access portal URL taken already - find out by whom


I'm part of a startup (few years old) and just now trying to setup some services within AWS and after doing some basic setup in the IAM Identity Center I attempted to change the "AWS access portal URL" from the default (which is something like to a custom name. I tried to change it to, but it gave me an error "Alias [ herobullion ] already associated with some other directory. Try with a different alias." I'm trying to figure out where this url is already registered, is there a way to find out?

One clue I have is that redirects to a login page for Amazon WorkDocs, which is a service that none of my coworkers think they have setup before, but I suspect that one of us is just forgetting. Our company doesn't use WorkDocs at all and I would prefer if I could find which account has registered this domain so I can go unconfigure it. Any help is greatly appreciated.

asked a year ago496 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

In general, we can't provide these sorts of details because it violates the privacy of other customers. If you think that one of your co-workers have taken this particular name, I'd suggest going through each account and seeing what is active there. Given that things can be deployed in different regions, I'd either write a script to query for the appropriate details in all regions; or use Config to do the work for you.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • In the end I figured out that it was a coworker who had created the conflicting, they had created an Amazon Connect instance. Was a bit confusing why the login page was for Amazon WorkDocs, but at least I got it figured out.

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