Adding tag to EDP


Is there any way to tag EDP? When I create some quick sight dashboards and filter by tag/costs, EDP just shows up as empty. I would have to add a filter for charge type to show the amount related to EDP.

asked 21 days ago115 views
1 Answer


In Amazon QuickSight, tagging EDP (Enterprise Discount Program) costs or any costs associated with specific tags can be tricky if the data is not properly structured or tagged within AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR). Here’s how you can ensure that tags and costs, including EDP, are properly reflected in QuickSight:

Step 1: Enable Cost Allocation Tags

  1. First, ensure that the tags you want to use are enabled for cost allocation in AWS.
  2. Go to the AWS Management Console.
  3. Navigate to Billing and Cost Management. Select "Cost Allocation Tags".
  4. Enable the tags you want to use by selecting the checkbox next to each tag and clicking "Activate".

Step 2: Set Up AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR)

  1. Go to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to the Billing and Cost Management dashboard.
  3. Select "Cost & Usage Reports".
  4. Create a new report or edit an existing one.
  5. Ensure that your report includes the necessary tags. This can be done under the "Additional report details" section where you select the option to include resource IDs and resource tags.

Step 3: Set Up S3 and Athena

  1. Create an S3 bucket to store your Cost and Usage Reports.
  2. Set up AWS Glue and Athena to query the CUR data.
  3. Create a Glue Crawler to catalog the CUR data in Athena.
  4. Run the crawler to create the tables in Athena.

Step 4: Querying Data in Athena

Write SQL queries in Athena to ensure your tags and costs, including EDP, are correctly aggregated and filtered.

Here’s an example of how you might query costs including EDP and tags:

SELECT line_item_product_code, line_item_usage_start_date, line_item_usage_end_date, product_product_name, line_item_unblended_cost, resource_tags_user_department AS department_tag, resource_tags_user_cost_center AS cost_center_tag FROM aws_billing_report WHERE line_item_usage_start_date >= date_sub('day', 7, current_date) AND resource_tags_user_department IS NOT NULL AND line_item_unblended_cost > 0 ORDER BY line_item_usage_start_date DESC;

Step 5: Connect Athena to QuickSight

  1. Open QuickSight.
  2. Manage data sources and connect to Athena.
  3. Create a new dataset using the Athena table with your CUR data.
  4. Create analyses and dashboards using the dataset.

Step 6: Add Filters and Parameters

In your QuickSight analysis, add filters or controls to dynamically filter by tags, including EDP.

  1. Create new controls (such as dropdown menus) to filter by your tags (e.g., department_tag or cost_center_tag).

  2. Apply filters to your visualizations and dashboards to show only the relevant data.

If your EDP data is still showing as empty:

  • Ensure the EDP costs are tagged correctly and the tags are enabled for cost allocation.
  • Verify the Athena queries are correctly pulling the data, including tags.
  • Check the data ingestion pipeline (CUR to Athena to QuickSight) to ensure all steps are correctly configured.
  • By following these steps, you should be able to tag and filter costs, including EDP, in QuickSight. This setup ensures that your dashboards accurately reflect the tagged data and associated costs.


answered 9 days ago

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