Clipboard problems in Amazon workspaces



I'm trying to Set the text into the Clipboard using .net (Clipboard.SetText()) from my local machine and when i try to pass the sendkeys (Ctr + V) into a Notepad which was opened in Amazon workspace but the data is not getting pasted there / earlier copied data gets pasted. Is there a solution to this, can someone help on this please?

FYI, i'm using Amazon workspaces client Version:

asked 4 years ago2.3K views
1 Answer

I'm staggered this hasn't attracted more attention. It's killing us - just using windows copy/paste is a hit and miss random affair at the best of times, but until today it worked at least half the time - tho NEVER directly between workspaces.

I just updated the client today and hit-and-miss is now just miss. There is no longer anything I can do to copy/paste between my desktop and workspace and that's a total deal breaker.

And I can lose an hour a day just trying to get them to open, it's literally the worst software I've seen in 32 years of coding - for example, why won't it just display the REG code or custom name we gave it so we know which one we're logging in to?!

As if all that isn't bad enough, just having a workspace open up suddenly wipes out the host's windows key and all sorts of things, it's a nightmare. I copied something out of jira, hit windowskey-run to run 'cmd' but windows key had been disabled by the workspace (giving it focus and coming back usually fixes it but... c'mon... a dozen updates a month and NONE benefit the user?) and it overtyped what I copied with the letter 'r' :(

Edited by: infieldg on Sep 29, 2020 8:49 PM

answered 4 years ago

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