I am trying to connect RDS with MYSQL workbench. But I am getting error.


Error is like below-'Failed To connect to MySQL at "Host name*** with user 'User name***' "'

so First of all -

  1. I logged in to EMR clusters using putty 2)Then I created RDS instance in AWS 3)Then connected the RDS instance with EC2 in AWS
  2. Then from my local machine i tried to connect with MYSQL workbench using hostname, user name and password. And clicking on 'Test Connection' But its failing.
asked 2 years ago828 views
1 Answer

Hi, Can you please provide some additional info about your network configuration?

It sounds like you are able to login to an EC2 instance from your local machine over SSH (using Putty) and from there you can connect to RDS, but when you try to connect directly to your RDS instance from your local machine you get that error message.

Is your RDS instance in a public subnet with port 3306 open to your local network?

Please have a look at this doc which covers common scenarios for connecting to a database in a VPC.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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