Unable to create Quicksight Stack


Unable to create cloud formation deployment for quicksight reffered in Module 3 in the below link. Getting the attached error. Please help


Error snap: Enter image description here

1 Answer

Hi, I have done this Workshop with no issues until now, what i can suggest is: 1.- Make sure you are in the same region for all the modules and Quicksight set up

2.- The workshop doesn't show anything about Amazon Connect, so confirm that the flow that you are using in your Connect instance (e.g. Sample A/B test) is assign to the phone number you claimed and yo have to generate some traffic, call in or out.

3.- In module 3, when you set up Quicksight you need to select Amazon S3, and give Amazon Athena access to the Amazon connect Buckets. Once you select Amazon S3 in Quicksight set up, a pop up will show all buckets available (by default Amazon S3 is not selected when setting up Quicksight). - Based on you imputs this seems to be the issue you displayed above.

4.- When you deploy Module 3 CloudFormation you need to confirm if Module 1 and 2 were completed. If you select as parameters "YES" for both, but one of those module don't have any call records or analytics (contactlens), deployment will fail. So, if Module 1 and 2 are not complete i will suggest trying to deploy CloudFormation with parameters set to "NO".

Final note, for module 2, make sure that you are capturing the call recording and analytics of the calls. for example, this can be done adding the Block "Set recording and analytics behavior" just after the first block called "Play Prompt" in the Sample A/B test Flow. If you don't generate traffic/calls those databases you create in module 1 and 2 wont have any data.

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago

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